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HASHISH! You can find more than you need to know in this article!

History of hashish

Hashish has been produced for thousands of years. The first mentions of it come from Asia, where it was used for medicinal and recreational purposes. Hashish began to spread in Europe in the 19th century.

Hashish production

There are several ways to make hashish. The most common method is sieving . In this method, cannabis flowers are sieved through a fine mesh to trap the resin. The resulting powder, called kief, is then pressed with heat into the resulting blocks of hashish.

Another method of making hashish is rubbing . In this method, cannabis flowers are placed in a container and rubbed against each other. As they are rubbed, the resin is released and collects at the bottom of the container.

Types of hashish

Hashish is divided into several types according to the method of production, quality and color.

  • Kief It is the purest form of hashish. It is made by pressing the kief obtained by sifting cannabis flowers.
  • Old woman Hashish is a substance made by rubbing cannabis flowers. It has a sticky consistency and is dark brown or black in color.
  • Charas is a hashish made from resin that is hand-collected from cannabis leaves and flowers. It has a hard consistency and is dark green in color.
  • Pollen is hashish made from resin collected from the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. It has a smooth consistency and is light brown in color.

Effects of hashish

Hashish contains the same active ingredient as marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC has psychoactive effects that include changes in perception, mood, and behavior.

The effects of hashish vary depending on the amount of THC it contains. Quality hashish can contain up to 90% THC.

Ways to use hashish

Hashish can be consumed in several ways. The most common way is by smoking. Hashish can be smoked in a bong, joint, or pipette.

Smoking in a bong

A bong is a glass or plastic container with a nozzle and a water chamber. The hashish is applied to a metal plate, which is located in the water chamber. Water is then poured into the bong and the smoke is drawn through the water chamber, which cools it.

Smoking a joint

A joint is a cigarette that is a mixture of tobacco and hashish. The hashish is mixed with tobacco and rolled into a cigarette.

Smoking in a pipette

A pipette is a small wooden or plastic tube. Hashish is placed at the end of the tube and the smoke is inhaled directly into the lungs.


Hashish can be added to food or drinks. Hashish is dissolved in fat, which is then added to the food or drink.

The dangers of hashish

Hashish is a drug that can be addictive. Excessive use of hashish can have negative health effects such as depression, anxiety, and decreased cognitive function.


Hashish is a cannabis product with psychoactive effects. It is made by pressing the cannabis resin found on cannabis plants. Hashish is consumed by smoking or cooking.

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