Můj dopis veterinární správě! - CARACALYA

My letter to the veterinary administration!

Hey guys, I thought I'd post a letter I once wrote to the veterinary authorities, but never received a response. It obviously didn't serve its purpose, but I'm sure it will open someone's eyes and offer insight into this issue! Thanks in advance for your comment!

Good morning, Peter.

I am really glad that you are interested in this issue and I would like to comment on it. I firmly hope that the following lines will start things in the right direction and when we meet with all interested parties here or at your place, we will discuss these topics together.

As for further breeding, we have not resolved this and we do not plan to do so yet, because our goal for the future is to breed as many beautiful and healthy kittens as possible that will bring joy to people. According to the information we have so far, this is possible in pet breeding. We have the conditions for this and we keep records carefully and our animals are doing well with us. They are all sociable, cuddly and vital, mainly thanks to the work of my wife, who takes care of them more than honestly. Regardless of the fact that they have lived as a group for x years and are fixated on each other and separating them would be what the authorities call cruelty. And we do not want that. We are also considering expanding our business to resell kittens from breeders from neighboring countries (not Poland - we can talk about that in person, for example), with whom we cooperate, and we want to continue to develop this activity. We think that the interest in servals, caracals, savannah cats, caracatas and caravalas will definitely grow. This is of course supported by our cooperation with influencers, which we also plan to continue to develop. However, our price is more aimed at foreign clientele, which is also where we are currently targeting.

And now a question for thought – Do you think that banning the reproduction of our cats will prevent people from buying them? Personally, I think that anyone who wants to buy a super cat will simply buy it. Not because they want to deliberately ignore the law, but simply because they do not know the laws, or do not fully understand them, or are not clear enough, and often do not think much about the Savannah or Caracat F1 and other generations, which differ only slightly from the serval and caracal. Have you thought about the newly arrived generation of Caravalas? From our own experience, we know what is happening on the market, and how easy it is to get a serval from Poland or other eastern countries with the designation Savannah, Ashera, Karacat, etc.

They hand you a cat at the border without a chip, and you simply have it. These are breeding farms abroad, where they can have a female cat mated five times in 13 months (the serval's gestation cycle is 74 days). This is happening. We don't exactly agree with this, so we are actively trying to educate and inform both future and existing breeders about it. We are building a new website where all this will be in both Czech and English.

We try to set an example for others. We firmly believe that we have much better conditions for our cats than some people live in. Our cats eat high-quality frozen meat, including fish and organic products from local verified suppliers. They have indoor and outdoor spaces that are over 450m2. Underfloor heating, a pond, trees, and wooden attractions (we make something new every year). They are in contact with people and children who come to watch them with great interest. We use professional equipment from a maternity ward with the latest incubator, to an animal first aid kit, to non-stop care by my wife.

Another question is, if people get these pets despite the ban, how do you plan to deal with this offense? Where will the confiscated animals go? It is certainly something that will interest a lot of people. And I would really be interested in the answer to this question. Yes, in America they deal with it (when there is suspicion of abuse and very bad, unhygienic conditions, or when the owner has died), there is a "Wildlife shelter" and a "Serval sanctuary", or an association of experienced breeders who apply for temporary care. When it works, after a medical examination, the cat is given up for adoption to someone with whom it will be well and who will prove to have suitable conditions and experience. And in the meantime, it will wait in its own separate enclosure. The interest is huge, and it never gets very warm there. On the contrary, they still select people based on a questionnaire. We are members of this American group, although only for observation and self-education. It is clear to us that this is not entirely possible here.

Suggestions for our breeding - we will be happy to respond to each suggestion separately.

So let's go to Mr. Tsiple. You write that Mr. Christian lives in an apartment, but the truth is that he lives in a family house with a large garden and he is an animal lover. He is also the owner of a development / construction company and we have a good relationship with him. Suitable conditions? Considering that his serval moves freely over an area of ​​more than 100 m2, is in the company of other animals and family, I would not immediately call the conditions unsuitable, especially since it is still a kitten.

And also if you compare it to the Prague Zoo. Already during the first non-binding visit, he promised us that he would build an aviary for the serval. And we trusted him with his capabilities. If he didn't build one, I believe it was because it was cold and even our servals don't really want to go outside in the winter. A serval escaping - I understand and I'm sorry that you were worried about it, but I still think that it can happen to anyone at some point. The manual that we give to each kitten includes the aforementioned GPS locator, which is small and can be put on a collar. You can track exactly where the cat is on your mobile phone through an application. All our cats have it. Without it, there's no harm.

What I would really like to point out, however, is the completely unprofessional work of Mr. Norbert Souček. Breaking a serval kitten's leg, having the police tell him where it is, coming to the localized cat with the help of a police officer, who was hidden behind stacked wood. Then asking for a reward of 70 thousand + 20 thousand from his "friend" the veterinarian for the examination, although Baby had her treating veterinarian specializing in carnivores elsewhere. Moreover, filming the whole thing, putting it on TV and on social networks, and bragging on the video that it was his life's achievement? Catching a 5-6-month-old serval, weighing 5 kg, scared and hiding in a hole. WTF!. Spreading alarmist news that this is a dangerous animal and that people should stay away? Ok, I understand that maybe he just doesn't like servals. We are in contact with many breeders from the Czech Republic and around the world, and believe me, sometimes a serval just happens to escape from someone (a new aviary and a serval is a scoundrel, and he finds something in it that the human eye cannot...) it is not a complete disaster. Most breeders catch their pet themselves (with the help of GPS it is a piece of cake. and usually it can be found right over the fence at the neighbor's, where it just happened to be interested in a garden hose or other interesting thing for servals). You can reward your neighbor for his help with a bottle of wine or chocolate. Of course, this cannot happen all the time, an example is in parentheses. '

If you have any other suggestions – please share them with me! I will be happy to respond to all of them, and if something is our fault, I will be happy to accept responsibility for it and arrange a remedy. Believe me, our goal is not to go against you, but with you. I believe that this is exactly what the authorities are here for. For people. For breeders like us, or perhaps Mr. Tsiple, and maybe one day you will be one too.

A real problem! Given that we cooperate with veterinarians, help other breeders and maintain contact with bioparks, over the past year we have witnessed caracals without chips, servals with genetic defects, deaths of predators due to breeders buying on the black/grey market, and the killing of CITES specimens due to redundancy. Isn't this a real problem that should be addressed by us and your attention?

We are looking forward to your visit and we will be happy to discuss these topics together, but if you want to visit on Friday, the earliest that will suit us is 12.5. at whatever time you wish. Don't take it as if we want to go against you, but we want to help you in this and find solutions to these problems together. We can, for example, establish an association, forum or website. We will be happy to invest in this project from our own resources. I would be very happy to meet with you, your superiors and all those who are thinking about this problem every day.

I look forward to your response and subsequent meeting.

Thank you and have a nice day,


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