Pozor na kombinaci CBD a léků! - CARACALYA

Beware of combining CBD and medications!

Cannabis and medicines: what to watch out for?

If you are using cannabis, it is important to be aware of possible interactions with prescription medications. Some of these interactions can be dangerous, so it is always best to consult a doctor about them.

How do interactions work?

The body uses the same set of enzymes to process all the substances it takes in. The problem arises when cannabinoids like THC and CBD start to block these enzymes from working.

The same enzymes that process THC and CBD in the liver also metabolize more than 70% of some of the most commonly used prescription drugs.

When you use cannabis with other medications, some of the cannabinoids may enhance the effects of certain prescription medications or cause the medications to be flushed out of your body too quickly, as if you didn't use them all.

Which medications can cause dangerous interactions with cannabis?

There are several groups of medications that can cause really unpleasant or even dangerous reactions with cannabis. These include:

  • Painkillers such as codeine
  • Seizure medications
  • Sedatives and antidepressants
  • Blood thinners, such as warfarin
  • Bronchodilators
  • Anti-anxiety medications, such as Xanax or Valium

What interactions are the most dangerous?

The most serious interaction is between cannabis and warfarin, a blood thinner. Since CBD can increase blood levels of warfarin, the presence of both CBD and warfarin in the body can be fatal in some cases.

Mixing cannabis and sedatives, such as clobazam, can cause intoxication.

For bronchodilators such as theophylline, cannabis can reduce their effectiveness, leaving the patient with little or no benefit from the medication.

For over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen, cannabis can again increase their toxicity.

What to do if you use cannabis and medication?

If you are using cannabis and medication, it is always important to consult your doctor about possible interactions. Your doctor can help you determine if the combination of cannabis and medication is safe for you.

Here are some tips to reduce the risk of cannabis-drug interactions:

  • Tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking, including those you buy without a prescription.
  • Do not exceed recommended doses of cannabis.
  • Start with low doses of cannabis and gradually increase them until you find a dose that suits you.
  • Be careful if you drive or have other activities that require attention.
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